lunes, 21 de julio de 2014

Fucking Franco: A Francopera in Three Acts

Act I

With a belly
full of vodka
I try watching 
a brainless movie
Jason Statham
kicking ass
as usual
and you're there 
with an awful accent
and I shake my head 
think "Fucking Franco."

Act II

I go online 
to be words
to drink words 
to read words
about a world
gone to shit
about love
and hate
and murder
and you're there
this time
they're publishing 
a book of poems
by you
My laughter
like Werner Herzog
and I feel 
like that time 
I thought 
my Amazon ranking 
depressed me
and then 
I saw yours
And I look at my shelves 
full of poets
good ones 
and I shake my head 
think "Fucking Franco."

I meet a girl
she looks broken
we talk
I say books
name authors
geek out
she says
my MFA this
my MFA that
my professor knows
many things
I love James Franco
I think
That pervy douche?

I say bye

and I get mad
hate you a little
dislike you a lot
without any excuse to do so
(except the ones I know are true)
only because
you are movies
you are bad directing
you are selfies
you are books that shouldn't be
you are news
you are alt lit
you are all lit
you are ego
you (think you) are a god
you are PhD
you are theater 
you are everywhere
you are shirtless
you are meta
you are fucking
James Franco
and we all live in your world

except some of us
Fuck you, James Franco. Fuck you.  

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